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53 ton steeple cab locomotive #18 has an interesting history. In 1918 she was built by Baldwin-Westinghouse as #105 for the Auburn and Syracuse RR in NY. In April of 1919 she was bought by Ontario Hydro-electric power commission as E-21 for a canal project. But in 1924 the canal was finished and she was sold to the Toronto and New York radial RY, and began working as #2. Then in 1927 the T&NY was taken over by Toronto transport commision and #2 was sold to the Niagra St. Cathrin's and Toronto ry as #18.In 1960 #18 was moved to the Oshwa railways to work for the auto plants there. (she kept the #18.). Finally, in 1964 the Oshway RY went out of business and #18 was bought by a CTM member. #18 was brought on her own wheels to Melrose CT, loaded onto a truck and brought to the CERA yard at North Road where she is seen here bringing her train down to track #2 for railfan weekend at CTM.

Photographed by Trevor D. Andrews, June 18, 2005.
Added to the photo archive by Trevor Andrews, June 21, 2005.
Railroad: Connecticut Trolley Museum.

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